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Conference Proceedings

35th APCOM Symposium 2011

Conference Proceedings

35th APCOM Symposium 2011

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Localised Indicator Kriging

Localised indicator kriging was developed following a similar approach used by Marat Abzalov (2006) in his paper titled Localised uniform conditioning (LUC): A new approach for direct modelling of small blocks'. Abzalov introduced the idea of mapping panel distributions from uniform conditioning onto selective mining unit-sized blocks that were created using ordinary kriging. This concept of remapping panel distributions was applied to multiple indicator kriging histograms.At Newmont a program was developed that made the remapping of MIK histograms to SMU sized blocks extremely efficient and was subsequently tested on several gold deposits. The results have been encouraging as the localised indicator kriging (LIK) method has eliminated many issues that have plagued both ordinary kriging and multiple indicator kriging. Use of localised indicator kriging methodology limits the smearing of high-grade and the over-smoothing of grade that is common and difficult to control in OK but retains the ability for localising grades. LIK also simplifies change-of-support corrections, eliminates un-mineable slivers of low or high-grade when dealing with small tonnages, and allows for the mapping of linear and non-linear estimates into the same block.
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  • Published: 2010
  • PDF Size: 0.753 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201111014

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