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Conference Proceedings

35th APCOM Symposium 2011

Conference Proceedings

35th APCOM Symposium 2011

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Using Flexsim Simulation Models to Assess Coalmine Roadway Development Performance

Various enabling technologies and systems have recently been introduced in the mining industry. Such systems include miner-bolters with concurrent cutting and bolting, employment of two shuttle cars, adoption of self drilling bolts and utilisation of continuous haulage or monorail systems. The paper discusses how Flexsim discrete event simulation models were used to assess how these proposed mining systems can best be used to achieve and sustain high roadway development rates of 10 m per operating hour for 20 h/day.
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  • Using Flexsim Simulation Models to Assess Coalmine Roadway Development Performance
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  • Published: 2010
  • PDF Size: 0.903 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201111063

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