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Conference Proceedings

Annual Conference, lllawara

Conference Proceedings

Annual Conference, lllawara

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Hydraulic Transportation of Coal From Collieries to Coast

A positive displacement pump is being dev eloped for pipeline transportation of coking coal to a -50 mm export specification, at a con- centration and velocity which will allow trans- portation in the plug flow region, minimising degradation of the particle structure, and pipe= line friction losses which will be lower than with turbulent or laminar flow. Pump operation is by hydraulic powered free pistons in a rota- ting cylinder block, with cylinders overlapped by stationary inlet and discharge ports in a water lubricated and sealed rotary valve. Before this development coking coal was not considered suitable for transportation in slurry form, for the valves in the double act- ing duplex piston pumps used for slurry pipe- lines, cannot be divorced from the slurry and require that the solid material must be reduced to a fines'consistency before introduction into the pump suction. The hydraulic transportation of 10 million tonnes of -50 mm coking coal, 50 km from the Bargo area west of the escarpment to an offshore shiploader at Port Kembla is feasible. Study shows that economic factors alone would dictate that the development of a pumping system for long distance transportation of coking coal is necessary. The greatest impact from the slurry transportation of coking coal would be the
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  • Published: 1976
  • PDF Size: 0.445 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P197605010

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