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Conference Proceedings

Annual Conference, lllawara

Conference Proceedings

Annual Conference, lllawara

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Limestone Resources and Utilisation in the Cement Industry

The major heavy industrial consumers of limestone are the cement, lime'and steel ind- ustries. Each of these requires large quantities of cheap raw material. Other ind- ustries such as glass and chemical manufactur- ing are significant consumers and agricultur- al and constructional activities provide additional demand which is usually more local in its occurrence. Limestone is widely dis- tributed throughout Australia but location in relation to major markets, and transport con- siderations render most deposits of no economic value. Among deposits which are sufficiently close to the major metropolitan markets many must be rejected as being unsuitable on grounds of quality, inadequate size for major.develop- ment, or other reasons such as environmental considerations. The major producing locations are sit- uated in a variety of geological environments._x000D_
Most have limited reserves and require partic- ular attention to quality control. Planned extraction programmes based on detailed geo- logical investigations enable not only satis- factory grade control but also permit, by the adoption of appropriate quarry procedures, the use of sub-grade material, thus optimis- ing utilisation of the available reserves.
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  • Published: 1976
  • PDF Size: 0.171 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P197605012

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