Conference Proceedings
Annual Conference, Melbourne
Conference Proceedings
Annual Conference, Melbourne
Innovations and Problems in Gold Recovery from Ores and Mineral Products
This paper deals with some innovations and current proposals for the treatment of gold ores and considers the possibilities of incorporating new developments in new or revised ore treatment flowsheets. The main topics considered are I. typical practice in relation to the size of gold particles, 2. concentration of coarse gold, 3. leaching reagents, 4. in situ leaching, 5. heap leaching, 6. carbon-in-pulp adsorption, and 7. treatment of complex ores (gold in pyrite, gold tellurides, and carbon-containing ores).
R G Canning, J T Woodcock
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- Published: 1982
- PDF Size: 0.562 Mb.
- Unique ID: P198204011