Conference Proceedings
Annual Conference, Newcastle: Coal Power 87
Conference Proceedings
Annual Conference, Newcastle: Coal Power 87
Pisces-a Symbol for the Future
PISCES - the Planning and Information System for Coal Export Services has been developed by Port Waratah Coal Services (PWCS) to ensure the efficient and economic operation of the Hunter Valley Coal Chain. PISCES is a computer based integrated information and management system to coordinate operations commencing at minesites through the coal chain to shiploading at the Port. The PISCES system comprises a central database around which a number of planning modules interact. These include interactive programs for train planning and timetabling, stockpile management, berthing analysis and a coal shippers enquiry system. PWCS has previously developed - number of computer based systems for planning, controlling and monitoring complex coal handling operations and the extension of the PISCES system to the Hunter Valley Coal Chain is another initiative to assist the Hunter Valley Coal Export Industry in looking confidently towards the Future.
A J R Lysaght, M N King, I C Travis
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- Published: 1987
- PDF Size: 0.601 Mb.
- Unique ID: P198703035