Conference Proceedings
Annual Conference, Newcastle: Coal Power 87
Conference Proceedings
Annual Conference, Newcastle: Coal Power 87
Stability of Coal Oil Mixture in Ship Cargo Hold
Coal oil mixture (COM), a liquid fuel pro- duced by mixing together coal and heavy oil on the 50-50 basis, has been brought to a level of practical use in Japan, being actually employed by a oil fired system at Yokosuka Thermal Power Station of The Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. A COM Production Plant, built in Onahama which is located about 160 miles from Yokosuka, required COM to be transported by sea. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. therefore performed a series of studies to develop a spe- cialized COM carrier, the world's first of its kind. Long lasting high stability is of pri- mary importance to successful use of COM. Much have been done in the way of research on stability of COM in the static storage, and the mechanism of COM static: stability is almost completety known. On the other hand, the knowledge about the COM dynamic stability, such as the stability while being transported aboard the COM carrier at sea, is still limited at the moment. The motion of COM aboard the COM carrier and how COM would settle were studied by tests._x000D_
A visualization test on the COM behavior under dynamic motion was also performed and the mechanism of COM dynamic stability was analysed._x000D_
The tests showed that the ship rolling motion had @n effect of promoting the settling of coal content of COM in the cargo hold. And studies were also made to device a method for esti- mating the settling quantity of coal during sea Transportation.
A visualization test on the COM behavior under dynamic motion was also performed and the mechanism of COM dynamic stability was analysed._x000D_
The tests showed that the ship rolling motion had @n effect of promoting the settling of coal content of COM in the cargo hold. And studies were also made to device a method for esti- mating the settling quantity of coal during sea Transportation.
Y Matsuno, H Kasai, T Hibi, S Matsuishi
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- Published: 1987
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- Unique ID: P198703038