Conference Proceedings
Annual Conference, Sydney: Minerals and Exploration at the Crossroads: The International Outreach
Conference Proceedings
Annual Conference, Sydney: Minerals and Exploration at the Crossroads: The International Outreach
Presidential Address: "The Moral Basis of Professionalism"
The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy brings together, voluntarily, people with a professional interest in the disciplines and skills which are employed in the mineral indus- try, and in relation to that industry. We come together because we have a mutual interest in improv- ing what is done by the mineral industry, in all its aspects. It is this sense of continuing improvement, of doing better, of doing as well as we can, as our knowledge and skills improve, that unites us in creating and fostering a professional association of like- minded people. We know from our professional training and experience that enormous progress has been made, at an ever-increasing rate, in the mineral industry, particularly in this Century. We know that the mineral industry has played a very major role in providing the means by which so many more people survive to live longer, healthier and more interesting lives, than ever before. Indeed together with the oil and gas industry, which is an integral part of the mineral industry but has achieved its own commercial dis- tinction, it is fair to claim that the mineral industry has played the major role in providing the means for the advancement of the human quality of life.
C Copeman
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- Published: 1988
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- Unique ID: P198806029