Conference Proceedings
Apcom '77, Brisbane
Conference Proceedings
Apcom '77, Brisbane
The Control of Rotary Vacuum Filters in a Gold Recovery Plant
The purpose of filtration in a gold reco- very plant is to separate the gold bearing liquid from the solids in the slurry. Some of the gold is inevitably lost due to incomplete separation. An investigation recently completed by the authors has brought to light a method of reducing such losses. In this investigation, the filtration pro- cess was represented by a steady-state mathema- tical model which took account of 14 indepen- dent variables and three parameters. One of the filters in the plant at West Driefontein Gold Mine in South Africa was isolated from the rest and fully instrumented. A computerized data acquisition system was installed close to the filter, and the data obtained from it served to test the model. Using the model together with an optimizing program, the optimum operating point for the filter as a function of throughput was found, and a control strategy developed to minimize the total gold losses in the filter plant.
J Koudstaal, N F Peverett
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- Published: 1977
- PDF Size: 0.218 Mb.
- Unique ID: P197701048