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Applications of an Integrated Structural and Geophysical Modelling Scheme

A technique is presented for the integrated forward modelling of the
three-dimensional structure and the geophysical response of multiply
deformed terrains. This technique allows information collected by field
geologists and geophysicist to be reconciled by the development of a
simplified kinematic structural history of the area. The structural
modelling simulates the deformation history of the area in terms of a
succession of structural events, such as folds, shear zones and intrusions.
The interaction of these events with a starting stratigraphy results in the
prediction of the geometry of the structures. By specifying geophysical
rock properties for the units in the initial stratigraphy predictions are
possible for the potential field anomalies for gravity and magnetics. This
approach is suited to a range of applications, and its uses in the modelling
of regional structures, testing of geophysical data processing, volume
balancing, multiply constrained inversion and training are discussed.
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  • Published: 1994
  • PDF Size: 0.849 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199504019

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