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Conference Proceedings

AusIMM Annual Conference, Minerals for Agriculture, New Zealand, March 1971

Conference Proceedings

AusIMM Annual Conference, Minerals for Agriculture, New Zealand, March 1971

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Availability of Finance

FINANCE FOR EXPLORATION Two factors have basic importance in relation to the availability of finance: the apparent success of continuing exploration activity and tax concessions. It is not proposed to discuss the effect of existing tax incentives, as these have already been outlined and are generally accepted as being reasonably attractive; certainly not a deterrent to possible investors. However, it is obvious that the greater the tax incentives, the greater the amount of money that will be attracted, and the wider the number of people who can be brought into the pool. If, as is suggested, the chance of discovery is related to expenditure and effort, then the more money attracted, the better the prospects of significant finds. It is probably correct to assume that the largest expenditure in mining will come from, or be induced by, people expert in the field, people who are fully aware of the risks and benefits and perhaps making conservative decisions because of this awareness. Insofar as the general public is concerned, while in the first burst of enthusiasm it will frequently follow any promoter, in the long run it too will become more sophisticated and will strongly support only those promoters and companies of good repute and proven record.
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  • Published: 1970
  • PDF Size: 0.126 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P197102003

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