Conference Proceedings
AusIMM Annual Conference Oil in Australasia, Gold Coast, Qld, August 1962
Conference Proceedings
AusIMM Annual Conference Oil in Australasia, Gold Coast, Qld, August 1962
New Geologic Concepts Resulting from Oil Exploration in South Central Queensland
Extensive geophysical exploration and drilling operations have been: conducted in, South Central Queensland by Phillips Petroleum Company and Sunray DX Oil Company since late 1959. The main outlines of subsurface geology are now known, but many problems must be solved before a comprehen sine. picture can be presented of the geology and petroleum prospects e Interpretations to date suggest that -fiddle Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, probably, related to the Tasman belt of geosynclines, once extended. over._x000D_
most. of the area An oro;eny 2.n late Paleozoic time, succeeded by deep pre-Pexmian erosion, removed the older sediments over large. areas, but Paleozoic sediments, were preserved from erosion in the Adavale and ancillary structur-a.l basins. Marine sediments of Devonian age are con- sidered prospective source beds for petroleum. Current work is directed toward finding favorable structure and reservoir beds to test the oil prospects of the area.
most. of the area An oro;eny 2.n late Paleozoic time, succeeded by deep pre-Pexmian erosion, removed the older sediments over large. areas, but Paleozoic sediments, were preserved from erosion in the Adavale and ancillary structur-a.l basins. Marine sediments of Devonian age are con- sidered prospective source beds for petroleum. Current work is directed toward finding favorable structure and reservoir beds to test the oil prospects of the area.
J J Tanner
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- Published: 1961
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