Conference Proceedings
AusIMM Annual Conference Oil in Australasia, Gold Coast, Qld, August 1962
Conference Proceedings
AusIMM Annual Conference Oil in Australasia, Gold Coast, Qld, August 1962
New Geological Concepts in the Western Surat - Bowen Basins
A vigorous seismic and drilling programme has been conducted area of .59000 square miles in the Roma district during the last three years. The work is Mill' in progress and although many new geological concepts have been discovered, he subsurface geology is not yet finalised. D.atailed examination has shown many variations of .section, has established the general basement trends and sedimentary thicknesses, has shown that much more of the section is marine than previously thought ~nd has indicated that any reservoirs throughout the section could be potential oil ind/or gas producers if suitable traps are located.
D M Traves
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- Published: 1961
- PDF Size: 0.132 Mb.
- Unique ID: P196201011