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Conference Proceedings

AusIMM Annual Conference Oil in Australasia, Gold Coast, Qld, August 1962

Conference Proceedings

AusIMM Annual Conference Oil in Australasia, Gold Coast, Qld, August 1962

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The Future of Petrochemicals in Australia

Truly launched during the 1939-45 war, b,osted since by huge increases in demand for food, shelter and manufactures of ill kinds, petrochemicals have rocketed into prominence' all'oVer''th'e world and are accelerating to even greater heights._x000D_
Manipulation of the hydrocarbons in petroleum or natural gas provides raw materials for a wid.e'variety of plastics, resins, detergents, rubbers, chemical intermediates, fibres and fertilisers._x000D_
These in. turn.. go into a host of products essential to our way of life._x000D_
A5 a source of chemicals, petroleum has achieved a high place. because of its abundance, relative.eheapness acid ease "f transport and because it can,be' economically processed.' If a nation's industrial' progress is measured by ' the ' modern yardstick of petrochemical production,'Australia has reason to be proud, for it now has 1S petrochemical plants worth'156 million, either in operation or under construction._x000D_
At several locations near Sydney and Melbourne, these plants produce petroleum ethylene, propylene, butadiene and benzene, or convert these building blocks into the three major thermoplastics (polyethylene; polyvinylchloride and polystyrene)-a.nd"S.B.R._x000D_
synthetic" rubber. "A number bf other imr-ortant petrochemicals, including carbon black, and ammonia, also are made, or-planned...Most petrochemicals find application. in seven principal industries - rubber, fibres, detergents, surface coatings, automotive, agriculture and plastics. They play a .part in many other industries, including mining and metallurgy._x000D_
In Australia, population growth,.an -incr.easing standard of living, greater industrial activity and the replacement of older materials all should considerably expand the markets for established petrochemical plants and lead to the introduction of new manufactures._x000D_
Unless thwarted, these positive forces should propel petro- chemicals into a future glittering with promise;'_x000D_
' However, some help for the infant industry seems needed if petrochemicals, while growing with the nation, are to contribute as they can to our national development.
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  • Published: 1961
  • PDF Size: 1.196 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P196201024

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