Conference Proceedings
AusIMM Annual Conference, Perth, WA, August 1964
Conference Proceedings
AusIMM Annual Conference, Perth, WA, August 1964
An Analysis of the Performance of Multi-Stage Grinding and Cyclone Classification Circuits
A method has been developed for the prediction 'of 'the- ._x000D_
performance of a multi-stage grinding=cyclone classification circuit of any degree of complexity on any ore for a wide range `of operating conditions, The-.method involves ;the. s` inu ation b'f the circuit on a digital computer by means of._x000D_
matheinatical' models ":bf the"' individual units:, the. development of which is- also discussed'., At present, in order to establish 'the!'" charac'teristtics of they ore- and the machines. in mathematical terms;. it is necessary to know'the performance of a , simpl,.e. ; system on tri.e ore - for! one known ,,feed rate and.fe.ed s,l-zing, analysis. ' ,Fiiither work on :the- separate identification 'of the terms defining the characteristics of the ore and the machines may permit the method to be, applied directly to the cj.4ta,derived from small scale tests on ores,
performance of a multi-stage grinding=cyclone classification circuit of any degree of complexity on any ore for a wide range `of operating conditions, The-.method involves ;the. s` inu ation b'f the circuit on a digital computer by means of._x000D_
matheinatical' models ":bf the"' individual units:, the. development of which is- also discussed'., At present, in order to establish 'the!'" charac'teristtics of they ore- and the machines. in mathematical terms;. it is necessary to know'the performance of a , simpl,.e. ; system on tri.e ore - for! one known ,,feed rate and.fe.ed s,l-zing, analysis. ' ,Fiiither work on :the- separate identification 'of the terms defining the characteristics of the ore and the machines may permit the method to be, applied directly to the cj.4ta,derived from small scale tests on ores,
N Draper, A J Lynce
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- Published: 1963
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- Unique ID: P196401004