Conference Proceedings
AusIMM Annual Conference, Perth, WA, August 1964
Conference Proceedings
AusIMM Annual Conference, Perth, WA, August 1964
Ore Penetration into Calc Schist on Kalgoorlie Goldfield
n One of the most interesting and economically important developments which has .`taken place- in the Kalgoorlie Field over the past twenty .years is the proved penetration of ore into - caic schist._x000D_
which:has been established on the North Kalgurli Mine. 'This is quite extensive, both. laterally and ' in -depth, and has occasioned-,'" ccasioned ' " some madification.of geological thought In the search for additional ore sources:. .Ore has been mined in calc schist almost since the' first major: gold::discoveries-were made,. and the principal 'features of the various types of depos:itl are well covered in the literature ' of the field. ' However, occurrences in caic schist have not-been characterised by the same degree of continuity or frequency as the innumerable lode formations in- the more -favourable quartz dolerite, ' and there has been a tendencyAo regard,them as isolated and discontinuous ore bearing structures, occurring only under very special-- conditions. It is not intended-:to describe the whole' range of caic schist ore occurrences in this paper, but only major controlling structures, whose penetration therein has been definitely established, and in which an appreciable .amount.of,_ore.has, been and is still being. found.. . It is considered that -similar stiiictiires: may present a' major objective for future exploratory work in other parts of the field'.
which:has been established on the North Kalgurli Mine. 'This is quite extensive, both. laterally and ' in -depth, and has occasioned-,'" ccasioned ' " some madification.of geological thought In the search for additional ore sources:. .Ore has been mined in calc schist almost since the' first major: gold::discoveries-were made,. and the principal 'features of the various types of depos:itl are well covered in the literature ' of the field. ' However, occurrences in caic schist have not-been characterised by the same degree of continuity or frequency as the innumerable lode formations in- the more -favourable quartz dolerite, ' and there has been a tendencyAo regard,them as isolated and discontinuous ore bearing structures, occurring only under very special-- conditions. It is not intended-:to describe the whole' range of caic schist ore occurrences in this paper, but only major controlling structures, whose penetration therein has been definitely established, and in which an appreciable .amount.of,_ore.has, been and is still being. found.. . It is considered that -similar stiiictiires: may present a' major objective for future exploratory work in other parts of the field'.
K J Finucane
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- Published: 1963
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- Unique ID: P196401015