Conference Proceedings
AusIMM Annual Conference, Sydney, NSW, August 1969
Conference Proceedings
AusIMM Annual Conference, Sydney, NSW, August 1969
Applications of Bacterial Leaching of Minerals
Natural leaching of minerals has been recorded for some two millenia but surprisingly only in recent years has enough been known of the process for any serious design to be made. Copper has been recovered from natural mine waters since about the 17th century but again little progress was made in de- sign procedures until recently. Natural or dump leaching was started as a recovery process late in the 19th century and in the years up to the classic study of Taylor and Whelan in 1943 a series of impirical optimis- ations made it a valuable process for treating low grade or waste material. The biological nature of Sulphide leaching was proven by Colmer and Hinkle in 1947 and since then a large mass of data has accumulated on the microbiology, biochemistry, and response of ores to this form of attack. In spite of this knowledge and the vast amount of pract- ical experience available there are few recorded attempts to present methods of calculation or design procedures that can be used for setting up a leaching process. A framework is given here on which such procedures can be based and indications given of the inherent advantages and limitations of the process,
J E Andersen
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- Published: 1968
- PDF Size: 0.334 Mb.
- Unique ID: P196901001