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Conference Proceedings

Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2017

Conference Proceedings

Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2017

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A review of the strategy and gas monitoring results obtained during the use of Queensland Mines Rescue Service GAG unit at Crinum North mine

Final mine sealing of BMA's Crinum North mine, near Emerald, Queensland was undertaken in December 2015. Due to the benign atmospheric environment at Crinum North, the Queensland Mines Rescue Service (QMRS) Grniczy Agregat Ganiczy (GAG) unit was utilised to reduce oxygen levels throughout the underground atmosphere as part of the final sealing process.The GAG was utilised by way of a vertical borehole from the surface to seam to successfully reduce oxygen levels throughout the underground mine workings. Application of the GAG unit enabled the underground mine to be classified as stable and inert within days of the GAG operation, and subsequently cease gas monitoring at Crinum North. The data and information obtained from this activity provides valuable information to the underground coal mining industry on successful application of the GAG in realistic situations.This paper discusses the strategy used for sealing, the assisted inertisation and the results obtained from the application of the GAG unit. It discusses both the overall results and gives a detailed review of the gas monitoring data obtained via the tube bundle and real-time system, both during and following the use of the GAG unit.Gas monitoring results obtained and the strategy used are critical to share with the industry to obtain a better understanding of how the GAG unit works, and how it can be applied for emergency preparedness, emergency response or planned inertisation.CITATION:Westthorp, E, 2017. A review of the strategy and gas monitoring results obtained during the use of Queensland Mines Rescue Service GAG unit at Crinum North mine, in Proceedings Australian Mine Vent Conference 2017, pp 309-318 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • A review of the strategy and gas monitoring results obtained during the use of Queensland Mines Rescue Service GAG unit at Crinum North mine
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  • Published: 2017
  • PDF Size: 1.233 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201704043

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