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Conference Proceedings

Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2017

Conference Proceedings

Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2017

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Application of modelling to improve ventilation and gas management in a single-entry longwall panel

Ventilation modelling is used to evaluate ventilation system performance. This paper describes modelling to assess potential changes to a single entry longwall ventilation circuit to improve ventilation and gas management. The longwall panel is extracting a 215 metre face in a 1.5metre coal seam at a depth of 900 to 1000 metres below surface. The 1.5 metre B seam is located approximately 25 metres below the main 3.0 metre A seam and the gas content of both coal seams is approximately 20 to 25 m3/t. The B seam is extracted prior to the A seam and the mine relies on fracturing of the overlying strata to induce gas emission from the A seam to reduce the gas content prior to mining. Longwall operations in the B seam are constrained by limited ventilation and high gas emissions. Due in part to statutory limits on gas concentration and air velocity, the average longwall production rate is approximately 700t per day.Gate roads in the B seam are single entry, developed using road headers and supported with steel arches. Additional timber cog support is installed to reduce roadway closure from abutment loading. Due to the slow advance of gate road development, mine management were reluctant to consider significant mine design changes, such as two heading gate roads; therefore, the investigation focused on determining the extent to which ventilation and gas emission impacted on longwall production performance, while recommending short-term, low-cost actions to improve ventilation and gas management to support increased longwall production.CITATION:Black, D J, 2017. Application of modelling to improve ventilation and gas management in a single-entry longwall panel, in Proceedings Australian Mine Vent Conference 2017, pp 239-244 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2017
  • PDF Size: 1.843 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201704034

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