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Conference Proceedings

Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2017

Conference Proceedings

Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2017

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Case study - an analysis of reliability and efficiency: ultrasonic versus annubar technologies

An investigation into the reliability of the data being collected at the Mount Isa Mines site operated by Glencore in Queensland allowed on-site ventilation personnel to scrutinise pressure and volume measurements collected from the primary surface fans. The investigation effectively identified discrepancies being reported to the on-site remote monitoring system. The difference between the real-time and static measurements on the P63 RAR shaft identified that the insitu differential pressure transducer and piezo annubar system was not operating correctly. This indicated a deficiency of approximately 30percent reporting back to the remote monitoring software versus the live readings measured with the Pitot tube bomb and ALNOR AXD610 pressure micro-manometer.Constant monitoring of an operations ventilation network is imperative to ensuring that the underground atmosphere provides a safe and healthy workplace. Further benefits to real-time monitoring allows for the early indication of network failures and promotes increased availability. An innovative approach to out engineer and improve the existing measuring equipment from the 1970s was sought.The use of ultrasonics in the mining industry is not new with ventilation management systems (VMS) equipment available within the marketplace. The introduction and implementation of a reliable product for real-time monitoring was a challenge to overcome due to limited access and suitable measuring points within the mine. The available equipment on the market through mainstream suppliers was not suitable for the unique application required due to the insitu installation of the surface fans. A solution was identified in the oil and gas industry through collaboration and innovative thinking. This paper describes the sustainable approach to implement a reliable air flow monitoring system on-site.CITATION:Shearer, M J, 2017. Case study - an analysis of reliability and efficiency: ultrasonic versus annubar technologies, in Proceedings Australian Mine Vent Conference 2017, pp 51-56 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2017
  • PDF Size: 1.368 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201704009

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