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Conference Proceedings

Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2017

Conference Proceedings

Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2017

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Incorporating research data in addressing methane and coal dust fire, and explosion hazards in coalmines

The concentrations of methane and coal dust vary from one location to another in underground coalmines. In the presence of an ignition source, such as static electricity, these mixtures can initiate explosions and consequently cause massive destruction. Research data can help in understanding the level of hazards and associated risk these flammable mixtures can produce. For instance, the level of peak explosion pressure and flame speed can be well understood from experimental and numerical research data. With this aim, methane-air mixtures and methane-coal dust-air mixtures were employed in a ducted spherical vessel. According to literature, the maximum value of peak explosion pressure can be obtained in vessels of spherical geometry when compared to vessels of other geometries. Thus the values of explosion parameters generated from spherical vessels can be incorporated in understanding the highest level of hazard that can occur in a real world scenario.In this study, the duct integrated with the vessel resembles any channel or pathway connected to a methane and/or coal dust rich area in the mine. Experimental investigations emphasise that the severity of explosion in the explosion zone transmits to the channel or pathway. The length of the channel or pathway also plays an important role on the values of explosion parameters. The greater the length of the channel or pathway, the higher the explosion pressure is and therefore the higher the destruction. Ignition energy and concentrations of methane and coal dust were varied in collecting experimental data. The data of explosion parameters thus obtained can be employed in addressing hazard mitigation strategies in coalmines.CITATION:Kundu, S, Zanganeh, J, Eschebach, D and Moghtaderi, B, 2017. Incorporating research data in addressing methane and coal dust fire, and explosion hazards in coalmines, in Proceedings Australian Mine Vent Conference 2017, pp 175-180 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Incorporating research data in addressing methane and coal dust fire, and explosion hazards in coalmines
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  • Published: 2017
  • PDF Size: 0.19 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201704025

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