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Conference Proceedings

Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2017

Conference Proceedings

Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2017

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Ventilation rules of thumb - friend or foe? Focusing on design upcast air velocities for shafts and raise bores

There are several long-standing rules of thumb that are often quoted in mine ventilation studies. They include airway carrying velocities' and the critical upcast air velocity range that must be avoided to prevent a water blanket forming. Quoting these rules of thumb may lend an air of legitimacy to a ventilation design, and allow the design engineer to avoid having to study a problem from first principles. But how valid are these shortcuts in today's rapidly changing world? This paper summarises research into the genesis of several commonly quoted rules of thumb. It finds that they were very specific to the local conditions, practices and economics at the time they were developed. It also presents examples where applying these rules of thumb outside of their original context can lead to unexpected and erroneous results.CITATION:Derrington, A S, 2017. Ventilation rules of thumb - friend or foe? Focusing on design upcast air velocities for shafts and raise bores, in Proceedings Australian Mine Vent Conference 2017, pp 253-260 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2017
  • PDF Size: 0.442 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201704036

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