Conference Proceedings
Centenary of Flotation Symposium
Conference Proceedings
Centenary of Flotation Symposium
Effects of Ultrafine Desliming on Coal Flotation Circuits
The use of secondary desliming cyclones ahead of froth flotation cells to reject ultrafine (-45 m) particles has become a popular option in the United States for preparing fine coal feeds for froth flotation circuits. In light of this popularity, several experimental studies have been performed at industrial plant sites to develop a better understanding of the impacts of ultrafine desliming on froth cell performance and, ultimately, overall plant performance. These studies included an evaluation of various circuit configurations incorporating different flotation technologies (conventional machines and column cells) as well as different dewatering systems (disc filters, screen-bowl centrifuges, and thermal dryers). The data obtained from these studies indicate that deslime circuits offer several important benefits including lower product ash, reduced product moisture, better froth handling characteristics, and lower capital and operating costs. In addition, case studies conducted as part of this investigation have been used to develop generic guidelines for how deslime circuits may be successfully applied to improve the overall profitability of fine coal flotation circuits for both the metallurgical and steam coal markets.
P J Bethell , G H Luttrell
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- Published: 2005
- PDF Size: 0.261 Mb.
- Unique ID: P200505104