Conference Proceedings
Coal and Mineral Sizing, Wollongong
Conference Proceedings
Coal and Mineral Sizing, Wollongong
A One Step Method to Mass Balance Data and Fit Screen Models
A method that allows data to be mass balanced and screen models to be fitted in a single step is described. The inclusion of several variables to describe the feed data in the fitting procedure allows a mass balance to be conducted at the same time as the fitting of the screen model. Analysis of Groote Eylandt Mining Company screening data has demonstrated that this method is ideally suited to applications where complete stream data are not available. Also, certain random fluctuations in screen model parameters arising from the fitting of consecutive mass balances and screening models are significantly reduced. A cubic spline function with fixed knot positions corresponding to particle sizes and variable (fitted) cumulative percent passing values is used to describe the feed size distribution. When the spline function is interpolated at the experimental feed particle sizes a fitted feed size distribution is obtained. This feed size distribution is then used as input to the screen model calculations from which product size distributions are generated. Since both feed and product size distribution data are used to minimise the residual errors between the observed and fitted stream size distributions, a mass balance is Conducted simultaneously with the screen model parameter fitting.
F W Hess, W J Whiten
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- Published: 1984
- PDF Size: 0.351 Mb.
- Unique ID: P198402001