Conference Proceedings
Coal and Mineral Sizing, Wollongong
Conference Proceedings
Coal and Mineral Sizing, Wollongong
Sizing of Fine Coal with a Compound Cylinder-Cyclone System
A compound cylinder-cyclone system, fitted with a flow control valve between the cylinder and cyclone, has been used for coal slurry sizing experiments in the range approximately 100 to 300 micrometres. An important feature of the system is the ability to adjust the cut size of the separation over wide limits by adjustment of the flow control valve. Results have been compared with typical fine screening operations. Under roughly equivalent conditions the compound cyclone system can achieve better elimination of extreme fines, but is not as sharp as the screen for coarser size cut-off. Simulations of systems involving combinations of the cylinder-cyclone system with screens indicate that the advantages of both sizing devices can be combined to yield accurately sized products for fine coal cleaning, at much less cost than using screens alone.
A Jowett, C J Restarick
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- Published: 1984
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