Conference Proceedings
Dense Medium Operators' Conference, Brisbane
Conference Proceedings
Dense Medium Operators' Conference, Brisbane
Papers in collection
- A Comparative Study of Dense Medium Cyclone and Froth Flotation for the Treatment of 250 to 1000 Micron Coal Go to Paper
- A Model of Dense Medium Cyclones Go to Paper
- Beneficiating a Low Yield Coking Coal at Iscor's Grootegeluk Coal Mine Go to Paper
- Dense Medium Separation at Mt Newman Go to Paper
- Design of Medium Recovery and Heavy Medium Management Circuits- A Different Approach Go to Paper
- Determination of the Separation Efficiency in Dense Medium Separation of Porous Materials Using Magnetic Tracers Go to Paper
- Evaluation of Heavy Medium Cyclone Performance at the Hamersley Iron Mount Tom Price Concentrator Go to Paper
- Experience of Operating a Pilot Heavy Medium Separation Plant Go to Paper
- Heavy Medium Cyclone Plants- The Choice Between a DynaWhirlpool Pump Fed of Gravoity Fed Cyclone System Go to Paper
- Heavy Medium Plant Design-Shortcomings and Possible Solutions Go to Paper
- Heavy Medium Separation at Iscor's Sishen Iron-Ore-Mine Go to Paper
- Investigation into Relationshps Between Medium Properties and Medium Loss in the Dense Medium Cyclone Circuit at Mt Newman Go to Paper
- Metallurgical Factors Affecting the Throughput and Efficiency of Mount Isa Heavy Medium Plant Go to Paper
- One Presentation Control and Improvements to Feed Preparation at Hamersley Iron's Mount Tom Price Concentrator Go to Paper
- Operation and Optimisation of the Argyle HMS Plant Go to Paper
- Process Control and Performance Monitoring of Argyle Diamond Mines Heavy Medium Cyclone Separation Plant Go to Paper
- Recent Developments and Investigations of D.M. Cyclone Coal Preparations at the BHP Port Kemble Washeries Go to Paper
- The Control and Monitoring of D.M. Cyclone Contamination at the German Creek Mine Preparation Plant Go to Paper
- The Design and Commissioning of the Argyle Diamong Mines Heavy Medium Separation Plant Go to Paper
- The Design and Operation of Heavy Medium Recovery Circuits for Improved Medium Recovery Go to Paper
- The Influence of Medium Rheology on the Separation of Minerals in Dense Medium Drums and Cyclones Go to Paper
- The Influence of Physical Parameters on Viscosity Measurement in Dense Media Separation Go to Paper
- The Lows and Highs of Dense Medium Separation Go to Paper
- Towards a Medium Behaviour Based Performance Modelfor Coal-Wahshing Dense Medium Cyclones Go to Paper
- Trends in Automatic Control in Australian Coal Preparation Plants Go to Paper
PD Hours
Approved activity
- Published: 1987
- Unique ID: PA-198708