Conference Proceedings
Dense Medium Operators' Conference, Brisbane
Conference Proceedings
Dense Medium Operators' Conference, Brisbane
Heavy Medium Separation at Iscor's Sishen Iron-Ore-Mine
The Sishen iron-ore-mine produces 3 pro= ducts with size gradings of 25 to 8 mm, 11 to 5 mm and 5 to 0,2 mm and has a product capacity of 20 Mtpa. Ore is produced at an average Fe content of 66,2 % Fe for the two coarser pro= ducts and an average of 65,3 % Fe for the fine ore product. Three stage crushing is practised to re= duce the run-of-mine ore to -90 mm after which it is screened into five different size frac= tions of which four are heavy media beneficiated in static baths and cyclones and the fifth frac= tion discarded to slimes dams. A final three stage crushing and screening process is employed to produce the final three Products which are homogenized by means of blen=ding systems nrinr to despatch.
J D Krige
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- Published: 1987
- PDF Size: 0.41 Mb.
- Unique ID: P198708011