Conference Proceedings
Dense Medium Operators' Conference, Brisbane
Conference Proceedings
Dense Medium Operators' Conference, Brisbane
The Influence of Medium Rheology on the Separation of Minerals in Dense Medium Drums and Cyclones
This paper presents preliminary resu]ts from field studies which were conducted to establish, among other things. the influence of medium viscosity on the partitioning behaviour of dense medium cyclones and drums in mineral applications, using frrrosilicon- ba_sed media. The medium vicoosit.y- was measured on-line, and partitioning behaviour was determined using ore sampling and density t r acers . The results demonstrate that viscosity is an important. operating variable, influencing , density and efficiency under certain conditions. The implication is that metallurgical performance can be optimised by manipulating viscosity, either by appropriate selection of medium' characteristics or by automatic alarming and/or "ontroi using signals from the on- 1. i ne viscometer.
I A Scott, P J Baguley, T J Napier-Munn
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- Published: 1987
- PDF Size: 1.16 Mb.
- Unique ID: P198708021