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Conference Proceedings

Dewatering Technology and Practice Conference, Brisbane October 1989

Conference Proceedings

Dewatering Technology and Practice Conference, Brisbane October 1989

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A Computer Model for Vacuum Filter Operatin

Mathematical modelling of continuous rotary vacuum filtration has been limited by the wide range of variables and the absence of connecting equations linking the variables. The filter type and size, mechanical design and predicted performance are generally determined by laboratory leaf tests on representative samples of slurry, or plant samples from an operating filter. A model has been developed which includes the major process variables such as slurry feed rate and concentration, cake thickness, wash water and air flow rates, to predict the filter production throughput, cake moisture and residual solubles. Where possible the model incorporates well established equations relating form filtration, washing and drying rates of the filter cake. Where an equation has not been formulated, standard curve fitting programs have been used to establish an algorithm. The theoretical equations and the derived algorithms are defined in the text. A major feature of the model is that operators, metallurgists, process, mechanical and instrumentation engineers become more aware of the interaction of process variables, the principles of the equipment design and its limitations when operating at peak performance. The model has specific application in the alumina industry where a high moisture content of the filter cake can increase chemical losses and energy costs, and in the coal industry where overseas companies are insisting on lower export coal moistures.
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  • Published: 1988
  • PDF Size: 0.471 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P198907001

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