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Conference Proceedings

Dewatering Technology and Practice Conference, Brisbane October 1989

Conference Proceedings

Dewatering Technology and Practice Conference, Brisbane October 1989

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Larox Filtrations of Leach Plant Residue at the Pasminco Port Pirie Lead Smelter

Lead residue from the Zinc Leach Plant at Pasminco's Port Pirie Lead Smelter was previously filtered on a vacuum drum filter and further dried in a gas fired rotary kiln prior to stockpiling and transport to the Sinter Plant. This process involved several materials handling stages, recycled significant amounts of zinc and often resulted in poor environmental conditions. These problems have been overcome by pumping the thickened leach residue approximately 450m to the Sinter Plant where it is filtered in a Larox Automatic Pressure Filter. The filter cake is discharged onto a conveyor belt, held in a storage hopper and then fed directly to the main sinter plant feed stream. Filtrate is returned to the process for additional zinc recovery. The laboratory and pilot plant filtration results are briefly discussed and compared with the operating plant data. The filter installation and ancillaries are described in detail along with the commissioning, operating and maintenance experience over the past 4 years. This installation has overcome the environmental and materials handling problems and resulted in annual savings of approximately $1 million.
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  • Larox Filtrations of Leach Plant Residue at the Pasminco Port Pirie Lead Smelter
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  • Published: 1988
  • PDF Size: 0.364 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P198907014

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