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Conference Proceedings

Dewatering Technology and Practice Conference, Brisbane October 1989

Conference Proceedings

Dewatering Technology and Practice Conference, Brisbane October 1989

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Performance of Screenbowl Centrifuges on Dewatering of Mount Thorley Fine Coal

In order to avoid costly moisture penalties on coal shipments and to minimise rail freight costs, screen bowl centrifuges were selected and installed in the Mount Thorley Coal Preparation Plant for dewatering fine coal product. The Mount Thorley fine coal circuit consists of desliming the -0.5 mm (ww) fine coal in two stages of classifying cyclones prior to recovery by froth flotation. Provision has been made to bypass the flotation circuit with the classified flotation feed reporting directly to product and the centrifuge dewatering circuit has been designed to handle either flotation feed or flotation product. Major mechanical failures of the gearboxes and the ceramic tiling occurred early in the operation life of the machines which led to design changes being made to achieve satisfactory operation. This paper discusses the operating experience at Mount Thorley with respect to both mechanical and metallurgical performance of the screen bowl centrifuges since their installation in 1985.
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  • Published: 1988
  • PDF Size: 0.4 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P198907017

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