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Conference Proceedings

Dewatering Technology and Practice Conference, Brisbane October 1989

Conference Proceedings

Dewatering Technology and Practice Conference, Brisbane October 1989

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The Dewatering of Alumina Trihydrate in the Bayer Process

The underlying principles of dewatering theory have recently achieved considerable practical application in the washing and dewatering of alumina trihydrate in Bayer plants. In particular, the influence on residual cake moisture contents of trace amounts of surfactant added to the wash water reveals that significant energy savings can be achieved. The influence of organic compounds produced by the caustic extraction of bauxite in the Bayer process is shown to be significant. These humic species reduce the cake permeability and the effectiveness of certain surfactants in dewatering operations.
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  • Published: 1988
  • PDF Size: 0.733 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P198907024

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