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Conference Proceedings

Education and Research for the Mineral Industry for the Future, Melbourne

Conference Proceedings

Education and Research for the Mineral Industry for the Future, Melbourne

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University Perspectives on Geological Education

Universities have had a long history in the education of geology graduates, Analysis of this history reveals a record of success, as judged on a world basis. However there have been significant changes in the last 20 years that have impacted on the ability of universities to continue to provide their traditional style of geology education. These changes have increased in the last 10 years. In the teaching side, there has been a change in expectations._x000D_
Additionally the increasing workload decreases the value of each academic to perform the tasks needed by the new education._x000D_
In the area of research, the funds provided have continued to decline, in both real and absolute terms, and it is now necessary for universities to seek out funds to pay for their postgraduate research. Additionally, the universities have slipped into the error of what cahn only be termed "academic incest", and research student mobility has decreased to an undesirable level, stifling initiative and new ideas in a number of cases, The only solution is for Government monies to be "directed" - ie that the postgraduate student must leave his or her original university in order to receifve the research stipend/scholarship._x000D_
On the government front, the government and its agencies have not adequately analysed and recognised the need for the redirection of education and research funds into the needy areas of science and technology, especially those that related to the minerals area.
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  • Published: 1986
  • PDF Size: 0.034 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P198607039

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