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Conference Proceedings

Eighth International Heavy Minerals Conference 2011

Conference Proceedings

Eighth International Heavy Minerals Conference 2011

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A Fortunate Life - 45 Years in Heavy Minerals

This paper highlights two aspects of the mineral sands industry in Australia: the development of the industry from approximately 1870 through to 1980, and the author's experience in the industry from 1966 to date.The first real heavy mineral (HM) mining in Australia started in 1870 with the mining of heavy mineral slicks on the beaches along the east coast of Australia. The real potential of Australian heavy minerals was however only realised in the 1920s with the first production of a heavy mineral concentrate that was shipped to Canada for processing. Post WW 11 and the Korean War, Australia was the largest producer of mineral sands products in the world as well as a significant developer of associated separation equipment and technology. The number of producing companies in the east coast peaked at 33 in 1957, was reduced to ten by 1965, and subsequently further reduced to five in 1980 as a result of potential mining areas being declared National Parks or Conservation Reserves. Today there is one company, Unimin Australia Pty Ltd (formally Consolidated Rutile Ltd) operating on the east coast. In contrast there were three companies on the west coast in 1965, four companies in 1980, and four companies today (albeit not the same companies).There have been considerable ups and downs for the industry in Australia, however world wide it was renowned in the past as being an industry that attracted numerous interesting and innovative characters that played a major role in developing it into the vibrant industry that it is today. This, given the current climate, is predicted to continue into the future.The author has been continuously involved in the industry for over 45 years from 1966, initially as an electrician at Consolidated Rutile Ltd culminating in the role of General Manager/President of Iluka Resources Limited USA, prior to his retirement in 2009. His exposure has been world wide and has covered all aspects of the industry but in the main focused on project development and operational areas. During this time there have been significant technological advances, yet to some extent the basic principles have not changed at all. Some of the most noteworthy advances include the development of the Wright Spiral in 1977, the development of the Reading High Intensity Wet Magnet (WHIMS), the rare earth magnets, the CRL floating thickener and the improvement of analytical techniques. From a safety, health and environmental perspective there has been significant advances that the industry has much to be proud of. These include wetland restoration both in Australia and in the US, the restoration of farmland in Virginia and Capel, and the re-establishment of native species, for example at Eneabba and Richards Bay to name but a few._x000D_
FORMAL CITATION:Sale, A R, 2011. A fortunate life - 45 years in heavy minerals, in Proceedings Eighth International Heavy Minerals Conference 2011, pp 17-26 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2011
  • PDF Size: 0.106 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201112002

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