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Conference Proceedings

8th Mill Operators' Conference

Conference Proceedings

8th Mill Operators' Conference

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On-Line Moisture Determination of Ore Concentrates - A Review of Traditional Methods and Introduction of a Novel Solution

The manual gravimetric drying moisture determination methods currently employed by most mineral processing plants fail to provide timely and accurate information required for automatic control. The costs associated with transporting and handling concentrates represent a major portion of the overall treatment price. When considering the cash flow of a mining operation that is governed by both the smelter contract, with moisture penalties and the quantity and quality of the concentrates shipped, any tool that provides real-time feedback on the process is vital (Edwards, RP 1994)._x000D_
The introduction of an on-line moisture sensor would become a welcome addition to the process control field instrumentation package now applied. A novel on-line determination system for ore concentrate moisture content would replace the tedious manual procedure._x000D_
Since the introduction of microelectronic-based control systems, operators have strived to reduce the treatment costs to the minimum. Therefore a representative and timely determination of on-line moisture content becomes vital for control set points and timely feedback._x000D_
Reliable sensors have long been on the wish list' of mineral processors since the problem has always been that you can only control what you can measure, (Konigsmann, 1990). Today, the task of moisture determination is still done by the classical technique of loss in weight utilising uncontrolled procedures. These same methods were introduced in the earliest base metal concentrators._x000D_
Generally, it is acceptable to have ore concentrate moisture content vary within a range of seven to nine percent, but controlling the moisture content below eight percent is a difficult task with a manually controlled system. Many times, delays in manually achieving reliable feedback of the moisture content results in the moisture varying from five to twelve percent before corrective actions can be made._x000D_
This paper first reviews the traditional and widely available methods for determining moisture content in granular materials by applying physical principals and properties to measure moisture content. All methods are in some form affected when employed on mineral ore concentrates. This paper introduces and describes a unique and promising novel on-line moisture sensor employed for mineral processing de-watering applications, which not only automates the tedious tasks but also results in reliable moisture feedback that can be used in the optimisation of the de-watering process equipment such as pressure or vacuum filters and fuel-fired driers. Finally, two measurement applications will be presented to indicate the usefulness and to summarise the measurement requirements for the proposed method of employing drag force and mechanical properties of the material itself to determine the moisture content. The commercial model of the equipment is described with the features and benefits to the users summarised.
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  • Published: 2002
  • PDF Size: 1.043 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200304011

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