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Conference Proceedings

Eighth World Conference on Sampling and Blending 2017

Conference Proceedings

Eighth World Conference on Sampling and Blending 2017

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Dependence of the variance of lot average on the sampling mode and heterogeneity type of the lot

Pierre Gy showed in his early works that the results in estimating the variance of the mean value of continuous lots depends on sampling mode (random, stratified or systematic), except in the theoretical case that the measurand is randomly distributed in the lot. The experimental variance estimate calculated from samples taken from the lot is independent of sampling mode but depends on sample size and the type of the lot heterogeneity. Variography can be used to estimate the variance of the lot mean for different sampling modes.Gy also defined weighting error, which is made if a simple average is calculated from the assays of samples taken from a continuous object (eg from a process stream) where the flow rate varies with time and is correlated with the concentration of the analyte in the stream.The effect on sampling uncertainty of the three sampling modes and their interaction with the following factors in estimating the uncertainty of the mean concentration is studied using simulated lots, and lots having heterogeneity patterns similar to those of real data sets, including the effect of: the type of heterogeneity (random, grading and clustered heterogeneity patterns) increment size and number employing composite sampling weighting error._x000D_
CITATION:Minkkinen, P, 2017. Dependence of the variance of lot average on the sampling mode and heterogeneity type of the lot, in Proceedings Eighth World Conference on Sampling and Blending, pp 319-330 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2017
  • PDF Size: 1.737 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201702040

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