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Conference Proceedings

Equipment in the Minerals Industry: Exploration Mining and Processing Conference, Kalgoorlie

Conference Proceedings

Equipment in the Minerals Industry: Exploration Mining and Processing Conference, Kalgoorlie

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Development Of Equipment For Narrow Vein Mining

Conventional narrow vein mining, utilising hand held methods, is expensive and requires specialised miners who are becoming a rarity. Hand held mining techniques (shrinkage stoping, leading stoping and cut and fill) have the advantage that they can be selective. The methods allow continued sampling of the face, control of hanging wall conditions and are adaptable to changes in strike and dip. On the other hand, more productive longhole stoping methods can allow excessive dilution due to drill hole deviations and changes in orebody dip and can be subject to unexpected hanging wall or footwall failures. Development of small scale equipment (as narrow as 0.8m wide) used for drilling or bogging very smallaccess drives has been ongoing over the past decade. In this paper, types of equipment are examined and compared, particularly with respect to their produc- tivity, size, and working environment. The introduction of electric hydraulic equipment has provided a better working environment with reduced noise, exhaust fumes and heat._x000D_
The concept of the "hydraulic cherry picker" may have application in mining steeply dipping orebodies. The system requires orebodies to be reasonably consistent in dip over 15 metre sub-level intervals. The system involves the basic concept and skills of machine and airleg mining, combined with the safety and productivity of a mechanized work platform. The platform or basket is stabilized between the hanging wall and foot- wall by hydraulic rams and is extended by a tilting hydraulic boom mounted to a small prime mover or trailer. Design concepts (including remote controlled charging of explosives, adaptation to the boom for rock cutting and the overall electric hydraulic mining concept) are put forward in the paper as a view as to how narrow vein mines will be mined in the future.
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  • Published: 1987
  • PDF Size: 1 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P198709007

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