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Conference Proceedings

Fifth AuslMM Extractive Metallurgy Conference, Perth, October 1991

Conference Proceedings

Fifth AuslMM Extractive Metallurgy Conference, Perth, October 1991

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Papers in collection

  • A Comparison of Gold Recovery by Pressure Cyanidation and by Pressure Oxidation/Conventional Cyanidation from a Stibnite Concentrate Go to Paper
  • A Mineralogical Procedure for Recognising Cyanicides in Gold Processing Go to Paper
  • A Simulation of the Kalgoorlie Nickel Smelter Flowsheet Using METSIM Go to Paper
  • Activity Models for Pyrometallurgical Processes Using STEPSOL Go to Paper
  • Agglomerate Flotation - A Method for Fine Particle Recovery Go to Paper
  • An Investigation of Disposal Options for Arsenic Trioxide Produced from Roasting Operations Go to Paper
  • Application of Supercritical Fluids to Mineral Processing: An Overview Go to Paper
  • Bacterial Cultures and Bio-Oxidation Go to Paper
  • Ceramic Vacuum Filters - The Australian Experience Go to Paper
  • Chemical Speciation in Hydrometallurgical Cyanide Solutions Go to Paper
  • Chloride Route Titanium Dioxide Pigments - Process and Properties Go to Paper
  • Chlorine as a Suitable Lixiviant for Gold Go to Paper
  • Comparison of Ethyl Xanthate and Diisobutyldithiophosphinate Collectors for the Lead Roughing of the Hilton Ore of Mt Isa Mines Ltd Go to Paper
  • Copper/Cyanide in the Treatment of High Copper Gold Ores Go to Paper
  • Cyanide in Gold Mine Tailings - A Study of Selected Australian Sites Go to Paper
  • Dephosphorisation of Stainless Steel Using BaCO3 - CaO - BaCl2 - Fe2O3 Fluxes Go to Paper
  • Development of a Dynamic Simulator for CIP / CIL Plant Optimisation and Design Go to Paper
  • Development of Electrostatic Separation Models for the Mineral Sands Industry Go to Paper
  • Estimation and Calculation of the Values of Thermodynamic Functions for Certain Group V and Group VI Metal Chlorides Go to Paper
  • Expert Systems and Experts in Thermochemical Modeling of Extractive Metallurgical Processes Go to Paper
  • Ferric Chloride Leaching of a Copper Concentrate Go to Paper
  • Flotation Cell Design - Experiences with the Jameson Cell Go to Paper
  • Gold and Silver Recovery from Waihi Ore, New Zealand Go to Paper
  • Improving Thickener Technology Go to Paper
  • In-Situ Leaching of Oxide Gold Deposits Go to Paper
  • Leaching of Mt Weld Phosphate Ores with Acetone-water-SO2 Mixtures Go to Paper
  • Mechanism of Reduction of Limenite with Coal Go to Paper
  • Microprospecting for Minerals of the Platinum Group Elements Go to Paper
  • Mineralogical Factors in the Processing of Archean Sulphide Gold Ores Go to Paper
  • Model Study of Gas Flow in Kalgoorlie Nickel Smelter Go to Paper
  • Modelling of the Chemical Speciation of Cyanide Species - Application to Effluent Treatment Go to Paper
  • Novel Processes for the Treatment of Sulphidic Refractory Gold Concentrates Go to Paper
  • On-Stream Analysis and Sensors for Mineral Processing Go to Paper
  • Oxygen Potentials and Slag-Matte Reactions in the Kalgoorlie Nickel Smelter Go to Paper
  • Pilot Reactor for Flash Smelting Go to Paper
  • Predicting the Performance of Continuous Leaching of Gold Bearing Ores Go to Paper
  • Rate of Nitrogen Desorption in Molten Iron Go to Paper
  • Recovery of Fine Gold Particles by Flocculation with Hydrophobic Magnetite Go to Paper
  • Recovery of Precious Metals by Cementation Go to Paper
  • Research on Recovery of Phosphate Minerals from the Mount Weld Deposit by Froth Flotation Go to Paper
  • Sampling the Settler of the Kalgoorlie Nickel Smelter Go to Paper
  • Selective Leaching of Gold From Copper-Gold Ores Using Ammonia-Cyanide Mixtures Go to Paper
  • Statistical Analysis of Nickel Slag Cleaning at the Kalgoorlie Nickel Smelter Go to Paper
  • Studies on the Dissolution of Platinum and Palladium from Low Grade Ores and By-Products Go to Paper
  • The Adsorption and Desorption of Aurocyanide from Activated Carbon Go to Paper
  • The Deportment of Environmentally-Sensitive Elements During the Pressure Pre-Oxidation of Refractory Gold Ores Go to Paper
  • The Effects of Thermal Pre-Treatment on the Electrical Conductivities of Rutile and Zircon Go to Paper
  • The Enhancement of Galena Flotation Using Cyanide Go to Paper
  • The Impact and Control of Organic Compounds in the Extraction of Alumina from Bauxite Go to Paper
  • The Influence of Bed Structure on Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Beds of Iron Ore Pellets Go to Paper
  • The Reduction of Zinc Oxide Go to Paper
  • The Role of Fine Carbon in Dirty CIP Circuits Go to Paper
  • The Thermodynamics of Cobalt Dissolution in Iron Silicate Slags Go to Paper
  • Use of Bacterial Oxidation of Refractory Ores and Concentrates to Improve Precious and Base Metal Recovery Go to Paper
PD Hours
Approved activity
  • Published: 1990
  • Unique ID: PA-199107

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