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Conference Proceedings

First AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet) 2011

Conference Proceedings

First AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet) 2011

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Beyond Geometallurgy - Gaining Competitive Advantage by Exploiting the Broad View of Geometallurgy

A cross-discipline approach combining geology, metallurgy and mine planning, geometallurgy is seen as the next logical advance in improving the design and operation of mining businesses. This rapidly evolving field is focused on realising the value that has often been lost in the chasms between the aforementioned technical silos. When successful, the geometallurgical approach promises the ability to tailor mining and mineral processing development and operational options more closely to the characteristics of the resource with resulting lower costs (both capital and operating), improved recoveries and fewer project failures.As with any technological (or managerial) change, there will be side effects from the success of the geometallurgical approach that will impact areas beyond obvious linkages between geology and processing. Some of these effects have the potential to be beneficial to the resource industry and society in general. Beyond the basic geometallurgical promise of closer alignment between processing design/strategy and the multivariate 3D spatial characteristics of the mineralisation, this paper discusses the broader implications and ramifications of the emergent geometallurgical approach: enhancing exploration and discovery; improving project development success; achieving sustainability in an industry working with non-renewable resources; in a world of increasingly hard won license to operate, improving the management of potentially harmful by-products and waste materials (with knock on effects for proactive management of closure issues); smarter approaches to energy management and thus optimisation of projects with respect to carbon footprint; and potential to re-value assets and thus realise a strategic advantage in the area of acquisitions, divestments, mergers and take overs._x000D_
The authors strongly believe that companies that actively engage with the above issues (and ensure that technical efforts in the area of geometallurgy are not isolated from the larger value chain activities of the firm) will be able to exploit the opportunities that consequentially arise. These early adopters will gain first mover advantages. Firms taking the broad view of geometallurgy will have an opportunity to maximise stakeholder value and win greater success than their less insightful competitors.
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  • Published: 2010
  • PDF Size: 0.223 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201110013

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