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Conference Proceedings

First AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet) 2011

Conference Proceedings

First AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet) 2011

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Geometallurgy Data Management - A Significant Consideration

Data management is a significant, but perhaps unrecognised, consideration for any organisation embarking on a geometallurgy program. While resource geologists are accustomed to dealing with thousands or millions of samples and their associated assays, metallurgists and mineralogists have traditionally carried out only a few expensive and complicated tests and consequently tend to manage the resultant data in spreadsheets. The emerging discipline of geometallurgy arrives with significant challenges as a result of the sheer volume of data generated. As an example, the Olympic Dam geometallurgy program has generated more than:60000 physical subsamples analysed for up to 30 analytes; 25000 spreadsheet-based laboratory test results; 30000 sized fractions analysed via QXRD, MLA and/or QEMSCAN;multiple external providers of data, and more than seven terabytes of data.Considerations for any geometallurgy data management system include storage space, data integrity, accessibility, traceability (sample provenance), maintenance and ease of use, integration with data providers and the ability to modify the system to adapt to changing requirements. Further, aspects of a geometallurgy program, such as conducting a range of tests on one sample, producing subsamples such as concentrates and tailings, compositing and routine QA/QC may not be well handled by existing software and providers geared to standard geochemistry, mineralogy or metallurgical test programs. The development of a geometallurgy database using existing software (AcQuire), and the associated file management system will be described for a large geometallurgy program at Olympic Dam. As with many aspects of geometallurgy there is no approach that meets the needs of every site or program. Recognition of data management as an issue, a structured approach in the program planning phase and commitment to executing the strategy will increase the chances of successfully mining the geometallurgical data.
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  • Published: 2010
  • PDF Size: 0.16 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201110028

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