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Conference Proceedings

First AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet) 2011

Conference Proceedings

First AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet) 2011

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Realisation of Value through Identification of Various Oxidation Fronts and Mineralisation Styles at Trilogy Cu-Au-Ag-Pb-Zn Deposit

The Proterozoic poly-metallic Trilogy deposit was discovered in 1997, and until recently, mining evaluation was stalled due to poor metallurgical performance. Unlocking the substantial economic value of the deposit required a coming together of geologists, mineralogists, metallurgists and mining engineers, who by working collaboratively, uncovered the detail necessary to allow the required metallurgical breakthroughs to occur. The deposit itself is described as a sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX), with an enriched lead-zinc-silver core surrounded by a broader envelope of copper-gold mineralisation. The geological domains were defined in broad terms based on the style of mineralisation, assay values and lithology. These domains, while adequate for the resource estimation process, failed to translate into representative metallurgical domains. Additional work with new techniques defined regions in the deposit with altered processing properties which could not be recognised by conventional geological logging. Such additional complexities could not be appreciated at the outset of the metallurgical test work program.These regions were defined by applying the EDTA analysis method for recognition of where the valuable sulfides, particularly galena, had been partially modified by oxidising conditions. Hence, the flotation response of the valuable sulfide minerals was diminished and the increased amount of heavy metal cations available in the system significantly reduced selectivity in the flotation process.Understanding the detail of this complexity was essential in determining representative metallurgical domains, which was the first step in the long road of development.
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  • Realisation of Value through Identification of Various Oxidation Fronts and Mineralisation Styles at Trilogy Cu-Au-Ag-Pb-Zn Deposit
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  • Published: 2010
  • PDF Size: 0.093 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201110006

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