Conference Proceedings
First AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet) 2011
Conference Proceedings
First AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet) 2011
Three-Dimensional Geometallurgical Data Integration for Predicting Concentrate Quality and Tailings Composition in a Massive Sulfide Deposit
The spatial variability of geometallurgical characteristics in a mineral deposit can have significant impact on financial and mine planning, mineral processing, concentrate quality and tailings composition throughout the life of a project. These characteristics that may determine the success of a project are not readily apparent to geologists unless they are integrated with deposit geology and assay data, modelled in 3D and incorporated into resource block models.One of the primary objectives of geometallurgy is to integrate and incorporate various geologic, geotechnical and geometallurgical parameters into resource block models, which typically are limited to in situ tonnes and grade of economic metals. Critical attributes, such as concentration of deleterious elements that affect the project viability need to be identified and integrated into the resource block model early in the exploration stage to predict project profitability and address potential environmental impacts.Using data from a volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit we present an example of the integration of ore geochemistry (cadmium, arsenic and antimony) with the results of preliminary, bench-scale metallurgical test work in a 3D geometallurgical model that predicts subdomains of poor-quality concentrate and tailings containing environmentally-sensitive elements. This critical information was incorporated into the existing resource block model in order to inform both financial modelling and mine planning.This example demonstrates that geometallurgical data can be effectively integrated with geological and assay data using Leapfrog MiningTM software (Leapfrog Mining) early in the exploration stage of a project. Three-dimensional representations of geometallurgical data can be created directly using primary additive data, as well as from proxies of non-additive parameters. Resource block models can be updated continually with new information as the project passes from exploration through production. In addition, the software allows for 3D visualisation of the characteristics of the materials that will eventually constitute the mill concentrate, tailings, and waste. This study emphasises the critical importance of establishing a systematic geometallurgical approach early in the exploration stage that can be continuously updated with new information throughout the life of the project. In the example that we present, sulfide ore that had otherwise been identified as high-value (in the absence of geochemical and metallurgical data) turns out to be low-value ore due to concentrate penalties and increased environmental impact.
R Knight, K Olson Hoal, A P G Abraham
Three-Dimensional Geometallurgical Data Integration for Predicting Concentrate Quality and Tailings Composition in a Massive Sulfide DepositPDFThis product is exclusive to Digital library subscription
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- Published: 2011
- PDF Size: 0.212 Mb.
- Unique ID: P201110026