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Conference Proceedings

First AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet) 2011

Conference Proceedings

First AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet) 2011

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Use of Geometallurgy to Predict Tailings Leach Acid Consumption at Olympic Dam

For any processing plant there will be deleterious elements or minerals which affect production or quality, and a strategy to predict their occurrence and mitigate their impact is required. An early objective of the Olympic Dam geometallurgy program was prediction of the acid consumption and gelling behaviour of the ore, which affects leach recovery, throughput and circuit availability. The geometallurgical test program measured the response of a wide range of ore types, and then relationships between mineralogy, metallurgy and chemistry were developed. Thus the drivers of acid consumption and triggers for gelling events could be described in ways that were meaningful to plant operations.To enable optimisation of the mine planning and ore blending processes, the parameters driving metallurgical response must be translated to the block model. Data support is critical in populating a block model. Assay information is easily obtained, but mineralogical and metallurgical information is more expensive and time consuming to collect. Hence population of a block model with mineralogical and metallurgical values using a conventional geostatistical approach is not always possible.An alternative approach employed at Olympic Dam was the development of a suite of assay-to-mineral algorithms. These algorithms were calibrated using all available mineralogical information, and this enabled the calculation of mineral abundances for more than 1.5 million assayed samples. Estimation of the minerals in the block model, and the generation of acid consumption values for each block could subsequently occur.The use of back-calculated mineralogy from assays as part of process model generation is an innovative tool which can be used for mine planning and optimisation and to ensure the plant does not receive any unwelcome surprises. Ultimately, one purpose of geometallurgy is to predict potential processing issues and their drivers so that these can be mitigated. A strategy to achieve this is outlined hereafter.
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  • Published: 2010
  • PDF Size: 0.396 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201110011

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