Conference Proceedings
Fourth International Mine Ventilation Congress, Brisbane (Proceedings and Addendum volume)
Conference Proceedings
Fourth International Mine Ventilation Congress, Brisbane (Proceedings and Addendum volume)
Air Quality in Mines: Progress and Prospects of Legal Control
Exposure to respirable contaminants in mine atmospheres has long posed a serious hazard to miners. The control of these hazards, some of which can have sudden and catastrophic effects and some others, slow and long enduring consequences, has been a major concern for labor, management and government alike. This concern has manifested itself in four primary mechanisms of control -- (1) regulatory control through minimum standard setting by the passage of mine health and safety laws, (2) engineering control through design and operation of mines according to the best recommended practices, (3) medical control through periodic physical examinations, wearing personal protection devices, etc., and (4) legal and social control through workmen's compensation laws for occupation related health rleterinratinn_
R V Ramani
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- Published: 1988
- PDF Size: 0.511 Mb.
- Unique ID: P198805007