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Geology and Structure of the Morning Star Mine, Mt Magnet, WA
The Morning Star mine is owned by Hill 50 Gold NL. Gold is hosted in quartz-carbonate stibnite molybdenite veins that occur in a series of deformed, altered and metamorphosed mafic volcanics with subordinate sediments and felsic intrusive rocks. The irregular gold distribution and its relationship to structure and alteration intensity makes the definition of stoping limits difficult. Understanding the structural evolution of the orebodies and the contemporaneous and later structures that affect the orebodies has been very useful in this context. This paper reports on a detailed mapping exercise (as part of a more extensive and on-going investigation) and the integration of this mapping with other geological and grade control data in a 3D modelling environment to provide an expanded basis for stope design. Three types of mineralised zones can be discriminated based on the morphology of the veins within. They are:those associated with strongly folded, thick veins (approximately 1 m thick eg 05 orebody);those comprising planar, boudinaged and some folded veins which consolidate to form tabular, steeply dipping bodies (eg 010 orebody); andzones containing the above vein types and thin, highly deformed veins within zones of intensely foliated country rock that result in localised, irregularly distributed high-grade gold zones (eg 02 orebody). The mineralised zones associated with thick folded veins are typically predictable over many tens of vertical metres. The second and third types of ore zone is generally less predictable. Detailed mapping and structural kinematic studies indicate all ore zone types are affected by progressive deformation involving strong strain partitioning. It is interpreted that high strain zones, recognisable by intense foliation development and highly deformed veins, are the latest stage of a progressive deformation which approximates bulk flattening. Structural controls on mineralisation can be defined at two different scales.Regional scale folding has deformed a sequence of mafic volcanics with interlayered sediments and felsic intrusives. Initial geometry of felsic bodies relative to orientation of the primary lithological layering and the bulk shortening direction is interpreted to be critical for initiation and development of strongly dilatant zones within this package of rocks, andLocal scale dilation is evidenced by development of several vein sets whose range in orientations and opposed vergence relationships suggest a pre-folding origin comprising both extensional and hybrid shear-extensional types. Continued deformation resulted in folding of these veins with strong strain partitioning. Major vein packages are closely spatially associated with the felsic/mafic contact and an interpreted early structure which appears to have partitioned early dilation. This structure is now obscured by strong deformation but is currently represented by a zone of planar veins.
R Mason, N Archibald, D Holden, T Blyth, S Huffadine, R Brad...