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Conference Proceedings

Fourth International Mining Geology Conference

Conference Proceedings

Fourth International Mining Geology Conference

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Pasminco Century Mine Open Pit Slope Design - A Geotechnical Perspective

The geotechnical factors controlling the design of the open pit slopes of the Pasminco Century Mine near Lawn Hill, Queensland are presented below. Pasminco Century is a stratiform shale hosted zinc deposit in the Lawn Hill Formation that is overlain in part by the Thorntonia Limestone Formation. Both the mineralisation and overburden is located within a competent rock mass such that intact rock strength and discontinuity spacing is generally sufficient to prevent large-scale slope failure by breakage through the rock mass. Rather, overall slope stability issues are dominated by the major discontinuities within the rock mass. The deposit is located in a structurally complex regime, it consists of a synclinal basin which is truncated by easterly striking normal faults through its centre and northern and southern limits and by an unconformity on its eastern and western margins. Deposit geometry and slope stability is further complicated by small-scale folding, a pattern of northeast and southeast striking subvertical faults and north easterly dipping thrust faults with their associated fault emplaced blocks of Lawn Hill Formation in the overburden. The large size of the deposit requires a staged mining approach with the excavation of both final pit walls around the external sides of each stage and interim pit walls along the internal boundaries between adjacent stages. The deposit geometry and major discontinuities control not only the final pit wall design but also interim wall location and orientation, excavation sequence and in some stages the excavation schedule. Two and three-dimensional limit equilibrium stability analyses were conducted using both deterministic and probabilistic approaches to determine appropriate pit wall design criteria and to select a suitable excavation sequence and schedule.
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  • Published: 2000
  • PDF Size: 0.346 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200003030

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