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Conference Proceedings

Fourth International Mining Geology Conference

Conference Proceedings

Fourth International Mining Geology Conference

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Systems and Protocols of Geological Information Management at Telfer Gold Mine, Western Australia

Management of information systems for data collection is essential to maintain data integrity and continuity, and manage loss control on a large world-class mine such as Telfer Gold Mine. This paper aims to describe the individual systems and protocols of geological data capture at Telfer, then focus on Quality Assurance Quality Control data as an example of loss control in practice. Loss control systems are required to provide capacity, flexibility, structure and management tools to enhance data interrogation. The data that have been collected can then provide geological, financial, environmental, and contractual information to optimise management of business best practice. Telfer Gold Mine is a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of Newcrest Mining Limited. The mine is located in a remote area of NW Western Australia, and has been operating for 20 years. Geological data have been collected at Telfer since 1973. The data include drilling, assay, geological, survey, structural and geophysical data. Data management has evolved through many systems with data stored on many different hardware and software platforms. Commencing in 1995, collation, standardisation and validation of the historic data was completed. This has resulted in the first Access based drill hole database incorporating all available drilling data. This drill hole database, now hosted in SQL Server, is the hub for all geology related data management systems. The Telfer Gold Mine Geology Department has developed a series of inter-related database systems in order to manage the core geology business issues. Databases relating to drill hole planning, drill contract management, geological logging, accounting (standard costing, forecasting, invoice reconciliation), quality control (QAQC), and environment rehabilitation have all been developed to manage loss control. Management effort to provide adequate data systems and protocols has driven the system from concept to utilisation. The improved productivity, data integrity and data analysis capabilities provided by the new database systems at Telfer have allowed for greater confidence in decision making. Systems such as the drill hole and QAQC databases, when utilised in the proper manner provide up-to-date data analysis for resource audits and contract negotiations. The loss control systems are essential to maintain confidence in data integrity and hence directly effect the future of mining at Telfer.
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  • Published: 2000
  • PDF Size: 0.153 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200003003

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