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Conference Proceedings

Fourth International Mining Geology Conference

Conference Proceedings

Fourth International Mining Geology Conference

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Technical Data Management at Porgera

The Porgera Gold Mine, west of Mt Hagen in PNG is a large open pit and underground operation currently producing gold at the rate of almost one million ounces per year. This deposit has produced some 8.8 million ounces to-date and has current reserves of 103.4 million tonnes @3.2 g/t Au. The Porgera Joint Venture has invested over $A1 billion in infrastructure in this project. Technical management of this operation involves the interrogation of some 700 000 metres of diamond drilling, some 50 000 blastholes per year, and very large volumes of laboratory, geotechnical, environmental and production reporting data. Over the past seven years this data has been consolidated into a single centralised, relational database which now acts as the single reference point for all the technical application systems used for surveying, grade control, production reporting, deposit evaluation and modelling. Data transfer to application programs and management systems is controlled by the centralised database, this process at times involving a two-way, real-time, binary data transfer. The benefits of a specialised database application include security and integrity of the data asset, ease of access, and performance in a multi-user environment. This replaced fragmented, inconsistent data sets stored inefficiently as individual, unindexed, variably formatted files associated with the different application programs. Most importantly, the database has allowed mine management at all levels to make timely, confident investment, cash flow and optimisation decisions as it provides the primary link between the deposit and operational data sets on one hand, and the application programs and management and performance measurement systems on the other. This paper discusses the economic value and importance of technical data in terms of the resource asset and the means by which this data is being managed and used at Porgera.
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  • Published: 2000
  • PDF Size: 0.42 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200003004

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