Conference Proceedings
ICARISM '99 Conference, Perth, WA, September 1999
Conference Proceedings
ICARISM '99 Conference, Perth, WA, September 1999
Preparation of Iron Oxide Feed Stock for Pig Iron/Sponge Iron Production - Role of NMDC
Traditionally, the blast furnace (BF) has maintained a dominant position as the primary source of iron units. Notwithstanding the efficient nature of the process in respect of its material and energy consumption, the conventional blast furnace route is faced with limitations such as stringent quality metallurgical coke, high capital investment, etc. While BF will continue to retain its predominant position as the foremost ironmaking technology, the alternate processes may also have a role to play. Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) or sponge iron industry is all set to take a firm root in India as one important solution to the problems of shortage of metallurgical coal and ferrous scrap and high investment costs faced by the country's steel industry. The commercial proven DR processes coupled with electric arc furnace (EAF) steelmaking have also offered a viable alternative to the blast furnace - basic oxygen furnace (BF - BOF) route for the installation of integrated plants under specific local conditions. The performance and efficiency of DRI processes mainly depend upon the chemical and physical behaviour of the raw materials especially the iron bearing materials. Iron oxide pellet and sized lump ore constitute the oxide feed stock, while pellets form an ideal feed stock for direct reduction, use of lump ore is economically advantageous because of its lower price. National Mineral Development Corporation Limited (NMDC), being one of the major producer of iron ore in the country since last four decades, has established technology and developed process flowsheets for production of suitable calibrated lump ore for DRI production, besides supplying the natural lump ore for conventional blast furnace requirements. In addition to the above, extensive pilot plant tests have been carried out at the R&D Centre of NMDC for preparation of iron ore concentrates suitable both for direct reduction and blast furnace grade pellet feed using the iron ore fines from its own mines and as well as from the other iron ore mines in the country. For utilisation of the huge quantity of slimes generated in its ore processing plants, NMDC has planned to set up the first commercial plant adopting the smelt reduction process (ROMELT Process) for production of pig iron from Bailadila slimes. The paper mainly deals with various beneficiation techniques adopted for production of DRBF grade pellet feed from iron ore fines. Also presented in the paper, the extensive work carried out at R&D Centre on preparation and evaluation of calibrated lump ore (Natural Pellets), based on which, suitable modifications are incorporated in the ore processing plants of NMDC for production and supply of the same to sponge iron industries.
B S S Rao, K C Sahoo
Preparation of Iron Oxide Feed Stock for Pig Iron/Sponge Iron Production - Role of NMDCPDFThis product is exclusive to Digital library subscription
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- Published: 1999
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- Unique ID: P199903027