Conference Proceedings
Ignitions, Explosions and Fires, Wollongong
Conference Proceedings
Ignitions, Explosions and Fires, Wollongong
Spontaneous Combustion of Some Queensland Coals
Incidents associated with spontaneous combustion of coal have resulted in the loss of many lives and considerable capital and equip- ment. Nevertheless, the factors controlling the propensity of coal to spontaneous combustion are not clearly understood and there is a need for research to study the effects of rank, petrog- raphy, moisture contents, etc. This has been attempted in a study of the propensities of selected Queensland coals to spontaneous combustion. An adiabatic calori- meter was constructed to study the self-heating of a large number of coals. Chemical and petro- graphic analyses of the coals were determined and an attempt was made to relate these propert- ies to the self-heating characteristics of the coal. The results show a strong relationship between rank and self-heating characteristics and that petrographic composition of coal may also be of importance. Some observations on the application of the laboratory results to the practical situation are made as are recommendations for future research.
D Humphreys, D Rowlands, J F Cudmore
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- Published: 1981
- PDF Size: 0.688 Mb.
- Unique ID: P198103013